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ZEISS vier hul 175ste verjaarsdag in styl.

Toe Carl Zeiss sy besigheid in 1846 gestig het, het hy sekerlik nie geweet dat dit in so ‘n wêreld reus sou ontwikkel nie. As mens van optiese toerusting praat in die jagbedryf, mynbedryf, mediese-bedryf of ruimte-bedryf kom die naam ZEISS gereeld voor. In baie van hierdie bedrywe is die onderskeie ZEISS produkte van kardinale belang en kan die betrokke bedryf nie sonder dit klaarkom nie. Geen wonder ZEISS se primêre leuse is “Challenge the Limits of Imagination”. Nou na 175 jaar kan hulle ook met reg sê dat hulle gedurende hierdie tydperk altyd hul oog op die toekoms gehad het en verklaar met trots “Seeing beyond for 175 years”.

Ons plaas ‘n verkorte weergawe van die geskiedenis van ZEISS net soos dit op hul webwerf verskyn. Al die fotos wat gebruik word is uit die ZEISS argiewe.

The history of ZEISS mirrors German history and all of its highs and lows. Since it was founded as a business in 1846, it has been transformed into a large, research-oriented enterprise that distributes a host of optical products across the world.

World War I, the global financial crisis and World War II were years of ups and downs. Just like Germany, the company was split in two in the aftermath of World War II. After German reunification, the companies merged once more and suffered a real crisis and the company as we know it today emerged from these ashes.

Carl Zeiss (1816–1888 A visionary entrepreneur

In 1846, Carl Zeiss opened a workshop for precision mechanics and optical instruments in Jena. He focused his activities more and more on microscope production. Soon he was supplying not only the regional market but also shipping his wares around the world.

Lees die volledige artikel in die Januarie 2022 uitgawe van WILDLAND

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